My avionics: I plan to put the minimum of avionics in the plane. Most KR2's I have looked at have panels that leave little leg room and I am a big guy in a small plane already so cockpit layout and space are a big deal for me.
2/10/12 I have developed my own annunciator to interface with the AN-21 unit. Click HERE
1/14/12 Today I discovered Flight Data Systems website. I will be using their annunciator panel and audio panel.
1/10/12 Part of my new fuel system calls for a 60 minute timer to alert me when it's time to transfer fuel from my aux tanks to the mains. Its a simple circuit based on the CD4060 chip and was easy to build. I will tie it into the annunciator panel to give me an audible alert too.
Being a retired USAF avionics tech I like to get a little deeper into this part than most folks. So my fuel quantity system will be a capacitive system designed by RST Engineering.
******************************************************************************My electrical system will be built around the EXP100-2v DC load center
ordered on 5/16/11
Air Fuel Ratio gauge will be installed on RH exhaust. A bung will be added to LH exhaust for future use but plugged.
2/13/2011 Started installing my instruments today
2/11/2011 Mounted the small panel today
2/5/2011 Cut my panel today from 1/4" birch plywood. It has a dark chocolate brown laminate on it and will have a thin aluminum panel on the back side

1/12/2011 Main panel arrived today HERE The panel was expertly cut using a waterjet by Matt @
1/3/2010 This is very close to my final design. The panel is an aluminum shock mounted panel that is 1/2" fwd of the main
panel. Click HERE
12/29/2010 Changed my mind and I am going with an old style shock mounted panel. Now the issue is the instrument layout.
Transfering the full scale plot to the plywood HERE
HERE is what a real Sea Fury cockpit looks like.
My STROBES are from this web site HERE