Sept 2018...Retired, now finally have time for the 4 F's Family, Football, Fishing and Flying

2004-2012 I was a hobby farmer in Missouri and still a Packers fan.  I worked as an Weather Systems Maintenance Instructor for the National Weather Service.    I am originally from MD and my wife Catherine is from IL.  A couple of empty nesters now our kids live in PA, MD, CO and WI.  I am retired AF avionics tech (1980-2001) and I worked C-5, 141, B52, AWACS, KC135 Tankers during my career.  My favorite assignment was the 1 year I spent in Iceland.

Yeah, I'm a sucker for a good looking lady on a 40's vintage grain drill.  I mainly use antique equipment to farm my 17 acres.  I am amazed at how simple they are but still got the job done with out all the fancy technology of today.